The amazing Shanda Jensen has been named SFHS's Outstanding Employee of the Year! πŸŽ‰ Shanda is an invaluable part of our school, going above and beyond every day. From managing attendance to keeping the front office running smoothly, we are so grateful for all she does! πŸ‘β€οΈ Thank you, Shanda! #sfhsdons #sfhspavetheway
3 days ago, Spanish Fork High School
Shanda Jensen
front office dream team
Don Hour & Parent Teacher Conferences on Wednesday, February 5th: - Students will be released from class at 1:50 pm (see Don Hour bell schedule) - Don Hour is from 2:00 - 3:30 pm (students are welcome to stay and work with teachers until 5:00) - Parent Teacher Conferences from 3:30 - 5:00 pm and 5:45 - 7:00 pm in classrooms **Students can earn double detention hours for working with teachers from 2:00 - 5:00 pm. They also can earn an hour for a parent attending conferences.**
5 days ago, Spanish Fork High School
Don Hour & PTC flyer
Congratulations to the following students from Mrs. Ford's Business Office Specialist class who have been recognized as the Top 10 in the state on the Microsoft Office Specialist certification exams: Lyndi O'Neal Kalia McKinnon Lilyan McNeil Daniel Armatage #sfhsdons #sfhspavetheway
8 days ago, Spanish Fork High School
Top 10 finishers in Microsoft Office Specialist certification exam
SFHS will be hosting the Divisional Wrestling Tournament on Wednesday, January 29th and Thursday, January 30th. Students, please park in the South parking lot (near the auditorium) on these days. Spectators for the tournament should use the North parking lot. Additional parking is located at the church north of the school. Please enter through the gym entrances only.
12 days ago, Spanish Fork High School
Divisional Wrestling parking map
Region Drill General Admission tickets are now available! Get them here: Date: Thursday, January 16th Location: Spanish Fork High School Time: 6:00pm (doors open at 5:00pm) Come cheer on your Las Chalitas!
about 1 month ago, Spanish Fork High School
las chalitas team pic
πŸŽ‰ Welcome back, SFHS! πŸŽ‰ We hope you had a restful and fun holiday break! It’s time to get back into the groove and make Term 3 the best one yet. πŸ’ͺπŸ“š Let's tackle new challenges, celebrate accomplishments, and continue growing together. 🌟 Here’s to a fantastic start to the new year! Let’s make it count! πŸ’₯ #WelcomeBack #sfhspavetheway #sfhsdons
about 1 month ago, Spanish Fork High School
welcome back
Have a wonderful and safe holiday break! See you on January 6th!
about 2 months ago, Spanish Fork High School
See you on January 6th!
Reminder that SFHS will be on an Extended Lunch schedule on Monday, December 16th! Please plan accordingly.
about 2 months ago, Spanish Fork High School
Don Hour Today!
about 2 months ago, Spanish Fork High School
Dec Don Hour
We would like to congratulate Bridger Davis! He competed in the Weightlifting World Championship in Las Vegas a few weeks ago. Weighing in at 142 pounds, he not only won his weight class, but he also set a new world record in the deadlift event for his weight. Bridger was able to Bench Press 260 pounds, Squat 430 pounds, and Deadlift the world record of 584 pounds. Amazing! We are so proud of him and his hard work.
2 months ago, Spanish Fork High School
B.Davis Deadlift
Save the date! Join us for Cookies and Carols and an amazing choir concert next Wednesday, December 11th.
2 months ago, Spanish Fork High School
Choir Concert flyer
Updated information on Class Changes!
2 months ago, Spanish Fork High School
class change flyer
Looking to make your holidays a little bit easier? Spanish Fork High School is hosting Tree Fest December 7. At this event decorated trees, wreaths, and more will be auctioned off with all proceeds going to scholarships for seniors here at Spanish Fork High School. We invite you to visit us and see the trees or do everything from the comfort of your home with our online auction. Trees will also be available for viewing online starting on December 4. The online auction will begin on Friday at 5:00 pm at and close Saturday at 8:00 pm. If you are the winning bidder you will be notified and arrangements will be made for pick up.
2 months ago, Spanish Fork High School
tree fest flyer
Meet our latest Deserving Dons! πŸŽ‰ These two incredible individuals have gone above and beyond to make our school an even better place. 🌟 We’re so proud to have them as part of the Don family! Mr. Ferrin Phoenix Sperry
2 months ago, Spanish Fork High School
Mr. Ferrin
Hey Nebo students! Do you have a business idea that you would like to pursue? Would you like a chance to meet with other business owners and get assistance and mentoring? Would you like to earn lots of money to assist you in your future endeavors? If so, Invest Nest is for you! Invest Nest is a Shark Tank style competition where students interested in business can enter their ideas, work with mentors and earn money. If you are interested, fill out the link in our bio to enter! #business #money #entrepreneurship #entrepreneur #mentor #sharktank #invest #businessowner
2 months ago, Nebo School District
Invest Nest Flyer
Enjoy Zupas on Tuesday, December 3rd between 4 - 9 pm to also give back to SFHS!
3 months ago, Spanish Fork High School
fundraiser flyer
Congratulations to our 2024-2025 Spanish Fork High School Sterling Scholars! #sfhspavetheway #sfhsdons
3 months ago, Spanish Fork High School
2024-25 Sterling Scholars
pg. 1
pg. 2
pg. 3
11 SF Dance Company members along with Payson & Salem Hills Dancers had a blast in NYC for their Fall Tour last weekend! They got to high kick along with the Rockets, moonwalk at MJ, defy gravity at Wicked, and also take dance workshops with Alvin Ailey Dancers and with a professional broadway performer. @sfhsdancers
3 months ago, Spanish Fork High School
Times Square
broadway show
Mark your calendars: Winter Formal is coming up! Tickets will be available in the finance office starting December 2nd.
3 months ago, Spanish Fork High School
winter formal flyer
Congratulations to our October Students of the Month! They were nominated by teachers for their admirable academic performance and attendance. Way to go Dons! βœοΈπŸ“šπŸ““πŸ–ŠοΈπŸ—’οΈ
3 months ago, Spanish Fork High School
October students of the month