Student Advocate A-F
Credit Recovery
If you have specific questions regarding credit recovery, please reach out to your counselor! SFHS requires 32 credits to graduate including all Core Curriculum Credits. If you have failed a class, talk to your Counselor ASAP.
Engenuity is a credit recovery program that allows students to make up failed courses by having them work through a full course and take a final.
Talk to your counselor to discuss a plan
Pay $30 to the finance office (per class)*
Sign up for a course with our Librarian, Kristen Williams, or student advocate, Melanie Orton.
*A student can start the course without paying, but payment is required before being posted to their transcript.
Once a student becomes too credit-deficient, we refer them to Landmark High School, a school designed to support credit-deficient students. To learn more, refer to our credit recovery policy.
At Spanish Fork High School, our commitment to academic excellence and the success of every student is our top priority. We understand that each student's educational journey is unique, and sometimes, unforeseen challenges may impact their progress. To address these challenges, we offer credit recovery to help with student success. We have a team of administrators, counselors, teachers, and student advocates who are here to support each student during their education. However, if a student falls too far behind on credits, it isn’t possible for us to provide them with the resources they need to be successful at SFHS. Landmark High School specializes in credit-deficient students and has additional resources for these students to be successful.
Student Advocates

Becki Pace

Angie Harwood
Student Advocate G-N

Melanie Orton
Student Advocate O-Z
Credit Recovery

Teresa Molyneaux
ESL Tech/Student Advocate Habla Español